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Would you like to know about IP addresses?

Internet of Things is all about connecting anything which has an IP address. It could be anything. Now, this IP address gives information about the location of the host in the network, it's not your location and nothing else! But, now you may ask if you move somewhere else,  will that IP address change?          Hi! I was very curious about IOT when I had heard it from my senior. But, I couldn't understand it at that time. So, I went for workshops, worked on some basic projects like smart home automation and RFID door unlock, pretty basic? Duh, I know… So, for learning more, I thought I should research more and share it also.               Coming back to the question.  The answer is yes!  This IP address is provided by ICANN organization who distributes it to ISP( internet service providers) or gov bodies and once you change your location, because of the new connections at the new place, your IP ...
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Virtual display of Arduino project

There are a lot many projects which one can do using Arduino. Recently, I was working on a project 'measuring distance of an object and show it using virtually using Arduino and Python'. I am using an Ultrasonic sensor for measuring distance, vpython library for virtual representation.             I was doing this project because I found it interesting and it also needs fewer hardware components and we will have to create a virtual object which is very interesting.             We need pyserial library to provide access to the python to communicate with Arduino. So, download that first. Before that, we would need Arduino IDE and Python. Then, we also need vPython for creating virtual objects using vPython library. You can download all these things from the link I have given at the end of this blog. So, let's begin:-     We need - Hardware:- Arduino               ...

Would you like to know about arduino UNO ?

Arduino is a hardware which is used to connect the computer and the project model so that w e can control it by using Arduino code accordingly! Project model can be a robot,  quadcopter  or a sensor or also can be a digital pin!     I wanted to learn about Arduino and then I thought, I should share it also! So, there are  a lot  of types of Arduino, you can google it as well. But, the Arduino Uno is the most “standard” Arduino board currently and is probably the best choice for beginners like me who are just getting started with the platform.               Arduino UNO parts:- There are 14 digital pins and 6 analog pins as you can see but i f you need more pins ,  then you can also use a multiplexer.        It has ATmega328 which is a single chip microcontroller. So, Arduino is not a micro-controller!  It has two mi...